Our COVID-19 Response

“Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.” – 3 John 2

Guidelines for In-person Worship

All members and guests must enter the main Church entrance from the Pendleton Street side. (For everyone’s safety, temperatures are taken prior to entering the Church.)

Upon entering, all members and guests will receive a plastic bag containing an offering envelope, attendance card, pencil and mask, if needed.

All members and guests must be symptom-free as displayed on sign at entrance.

Please maintain six (6) feet social distance as displayed on walkways and wall signs.

All members and visitors must wear masks.

For everyone’s safety, please refrain from shaking hands, hugging, congregating in hallways, or any other close contact.

Members and guests will be directed to seating areas inside the Sanctuary, where pew markers are placed to ensure a minimum of six feet of social distance. (Families will be seated together.)

Please remain in assigned seats until the end of Worship Service.

Children must be accompanied to the restroom by parents or legal guardians.

Wash hands frequently. Use hand sanitizer provided in hallways as needed.

Members or visitors who become ill during service will be assessed immediately. Emergency medical personnel will be contacted, if needed, or member/visitor will be referred to their health care provider.


All members and guests must remain seated after Benediction to receive ushers’ guidance on dismissal.

Members and guests seated on the left side of the Sanctuary will be directed to exit on the left side of the Church, one pew at a time. (Ushers will direct.)

Members and visitors seated on the left side from pew #6 to all pews in the rear of the Sanctuary will be directed to exit through the main entrance. Ushers will direct you to the center aisle and out the door near the Finance Room one pew at a time.

Members and guests on the right side of the Sanctuary will exit on the right side of the Church, one pew at a time. All persons seated from pew #6 to all pews in the right rear of the Sanctuary will be directed to exit through the rear Sanctuary doors.

Please drop offering envelopes and attendance cards in designated offering boxes at each exit door during dismissal. Please remember to place pencils in trays next to offering boxes.