Our Beliefs

We affirm The Holy Bible as the inspired Word of GOD and the basis for our beliefs. We voluntarily band ourselves together as a body of baptized believers in JESUS CHRIST personally committed to sharing the good news of salvation to all mankind. The Holy Ordinances we observe are Baptism and The LORD’s Supper.

We believe in GOD The Father, GOD The Son, and GOD the Holy Spirit — The Trinity. They are equal in divine perfection. (St. Matthew 28:19)

We believe in the Genesis account of the Creation (Genesis 1:2) and that man was created in the image of GOD. (Genesis 1:26)

We believe in the virgin birth and perfect humanity and deity of JESUS CHRIST. (St. Matthew 1:18-20 and St. John 10:30)

We believe that the suffering and death of JESUS CHRIST was performed for mankind which had fallen into sin, but it is each individual’s responsibility to confess a hope in CHRIST. (Isaiah 53:6)

We believe in the bodily Resurrection and ascension of CHRIST, and the bodily resurrection of His saints. (St. Matthew 28:1-7)

We believe that CHRIST will return for a prepared people. (St. John 14:1-6)

We believe in the Holy Ordinance of Baptism, which requires full immersion in water. The water itself does not save but is a symbol of our death to the physical, and our emergence from the water represents CHRIST’s resurrection. We are baptized because we believe in JESUS CHRIST. The LORD’s Supper is a memorial Holy Ordinance, reserved for Christian believers observing the Ordinance. (St. Matthew 28:19, 20; Acts 8:12, 38; Romans 6:4; I Corinthians 5:11-13; I Corinthians 11:1, 2, 17-20, 26)

We believe the Bible’s definition of marriage is the union between a man and a woman. (Genesis 2:21-24; St. Matthew 19:4-6; St. Mark 10:6-9; I Corinthians 7:2-4; Ephesians 5:22-31)

Won’t you accept JESUS CHRIST as your personal LORD and SAVIOR? Stat a new life in CHRIST today!

To learn more and to give your life to CHRIST, please call us at 901-745-5287, contact us on social media or email [email protected].