Led by The Lord

As we approach another Christmas holiday, it is a good time to look at what GOD did when He blessed us with His Son, JESUS, and consider how we respond to this blessed gift. It is a good time to reflect on our daily lives, meditate on GOD’s Word, and ask ourselves a few questions, like:

  • Do I show thanksgiving to God for sending us His Son? (St. John 3:16)

  • Are my steps ordered by The Lord?

  • How do I share the gift of Jesus with others?

Our God is a God of initiative — He saw us sick in sin and took it upon Himself to solve our problem. He took initiative by sending His only begotten Son, and this is a reason to celebrate. Now, it is our “reasonable sacrifice” to live for Him (Romans 12:1; Psalm 119:2, 10) — not just during the holidays, but every day.

If our steps are not ordered by The Lord, we will never reach our full potential in Christ. For we know that there is power in prayer and protection in following God’s path for our lives. (Read 1 John 2:3, 5.)

Let us consider the Magi or Wise Men who visited Jesus in St. Matthew 2:1-12. Their steps were ordered by The Lord, as they followed the star to Christ and decided to go home another way to avoid the evil intentions of King Herod. We too must seek God’s holy guidance because He alone has an all-seeing eye.

Furthermore, the Wise Men offered gifts to Jesus — gold, frankincense, and myrrh. They gave Jesus their best. While giving to family and friends this Christmas, consider what you give to Jesus. Your time? Your talents? Your tithes?

Honestly, there is no gift that we could give Him that is worthy of His goodness (Isaiah 64:6), but seeking Him first should be our daily priority (St. Matthew 6:33).   

Lastly, during this season of giving, are we sharing the gift of Jesus with the world?

More than any presents around the tree, JESUS alone is the best gift we could ever receive!

Be blessed.