Christian Education Ministry

Prayer Will Fix It Every Time

In 1981, my Mom and I were struggling with the fact that my son, Gari, had not accepted CHRIST, and he was/is totally deaf. We prayed about it for a while because he was 12 years old, and we did not want his soul to be lost.

We were having revival at St. John Missionary Baptist Church, and this was the last night. Now, Mom and I discussed this situation only between the two of us. We knew beyond the shadow of a doubt that The HOLY SPIRIT was working when the speaker, Dr. John L. Payne, called Gari out of the congregation. Dr. Payne had no idea who he (Gari) was. He was also unaware that Gari had not yet accepted CHRIST as his LORD and SAVIOR. I had to use sign language so that Gari would know the plan of Salvation, since he could not read lips.

Gari accepted CHRIST that night, and I shouted out of my shoes! In fact, Sis. Irene Woods returned my shoes at the end of service.

One of my favorite scriptures is Philippians 4:19, “But my GOD shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by CHRIST JESUS.”

My favorite song is “Prayer Will Fix It for You.”

I know that GOD always comes through! Thank GOD for JESUS! Amen.

-Minister Johnnie Harris Fluker

My Spiritual Journey Began at Age 11

My spiritual journey at St. John Missionary Baptist Church began at the tender age of 11, when my Mom, Lula Frances Jeffries, shared with me that JESUS loves me and that He died for my sins. She said it was tine for me to accept JESUS as my personal Savior. That summer, I and several of my best friends were placed on the “Mourners’ Bench.” This was a week-long experience of no playing outside — just time spent studying GOD’s Word and praying. Rev. J. L. Payne was the evangelist, and on a Wednesday night in 1966, my life changed!

At the age of 15, as a member of the youth choir, I discovered my most treasured gift from GOD — my voice — and I led my very first song. Like David, a man after GOD’s own heart, my prayer life and my song ministry are my offerings of praise to GOD. I surrender all to Him. There were and are so many GOD-fearing men and women at St. John that have helped to shape and mold me into the person I am today. I am truly grateful to them all for giving me that firm foundation.

I fondly remember participating in my first spiritual march, led by Pastor L. D. McGhee from Deadrick Street to Barron Avenue; Youth Day car washes; “Heaven or Hell” social gatherings at the home of the late John and Azalee Dandridge; annual church picnics at Fuller Park and Easter Sunrise Services held on the Church parking lot under the director of Juanita “Granny” Edwards, where we shared the message of GOD to the Orange Mound community.

I want to especially thank my Mom, Lula Frances “Granny” Jeffries for introducing me to JESUS, the Man who lived and died, “Just for Me.” But, that’s not how the story ends! He rose with all power and is on the “Main Line,” and I can call Him anytime.

I find strength in knowing these two things: Psalm 23 – “The LORD is my Shepherd” and Philippians 4:13 – “I can do all things through CHRIST who strengthens me.”


-Sis. Ora Jeffries-White

They Made a Difference in My Life

This is dedicated to the members of St. John who made a difference in my life. When I first joined in 1977, I had recently rededicated my life to The LORD. I noticed certain members who were always working in the church and displaying their spiritual dedication. Sadly, some have now gone to be with The LORD. However, some are still on the battlefield – Sisters Juanita Edwards, Irene Woods, Inez Rose, Ola Mae Richmond, Massarena Richmond and Mother Lillie Rose Brown.

As I attempted to learn more about JESUS CHRIST and the scriptures, these ladies were role models for me. They didn’t know it, but I watched them and took note of how they handled situations and their reactions to whatever transpired.

You see, I was a novice and was eager to learn. Each one of them had their own individual prowess, but what I really remember about those early days was that they all were involved in and still attend Sunday School today.

Another common denominator was that they all possessed the characteristics mentioned in Galatians 5:22-23 (i.e. the Fruit of the Spirit). Because of these ladies and others, I have an overarching passion for Sunday School and teaching the Word of GOD.

I thank them from the bottom of my heart!

-Sister Willie Mae Wade

I Started as a Child

My St. John experience started when I was a child. I was always taken to church by my parents, the late George Richmond Jr. and Massareno Richmond. If the Church doors were open, my family was there — Sunday School, Morning Worship, Evening Service and Baptist Training Union. Let’s not forget choir rehearsal night.

I was on the “Mourners” Bench at the age of 11, under the preaching of Rev. J. L. Payne and Rev. L. D. McGhee as my pastor.

As I grew older and matured spiritually under the leadership of Rev. James E. Delaney, I learned to appreciate my upbringing. Through the years, it taught me that you cannot make GOD second in your life. GOD has a way of showing us that He will be first in our lives.

My two favorite books of the Bible are Psalms and Revelation. Daily, I repeat Psalm 51:1, asking The LORD to “Have mercy upon me, O GOD, according to Thy lovingkindness: according unto the multitude of Thy tender mercies blot out my transgressions.”

Through the St. John Mission Ministry, I have discovered a genuine love and passion for helping those in need. In St. Matthew 25:40, JESUS said, “…Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

Sis. Demetrius Walton 

Holy Spirit-led to St. John

When I and my then-fiancé were planning our lives together, selecting a church home was a number one priority. We had visited many churches around the city of Memphis but could not seem to find the perfect fit. We wondered, and we prayed.

Then one day while driving, I somehow ended up at the corner of Pendleton and Barron in South Memphis, on the parking lot of St. John Missionary Baptist Church. I sat there for a moment, feeling as though The Holy Spirit had led me there. I prayed and wondered if this was the “place.”

We returned the following Sunday. My first vivid memory was feeling so warmly welcomed, as the Church Choir sang the “Welcome Song” to us, and Sis. Joyce Walton kindly smiled and motioned to us. I’ll never forget that Sunday in 2012.

We later joined and have experienced many milestones while attending St. John. Now, in 2021 – a marriage and three children later – we are raising our family in the Church with JESUS as our Lord & Savior, and Dr. James Delaney as our pastor.

GOD has blessed us immensely while at St. John, teaching us to “Trust in the Lord with all [our] hearts and to lean not unto our own understanding” (Proverbs 3:5). For these and so many other blessings, we are eternally grateful.

-Kevin & Marcey Wright

Then to Now: Still Praising GOD

As a young boy, I (Rodney Jones) attended St. John Missionary Baptist Church with my grandmother, Versie Mae Hill, in the early 1960s and 1970s, under the leadership of Rev. L. D. McGhee Sr. I joined and have been an active member every since.

My family (i.e. mother, aunts, uncles and cousins) has attended St. John for many years.

I, and my wife, Margaret, have enjoyed our spiritual journey under the leadership of Pastor James E. Delaney. Since the pandemic, she joins him every Tuesday for Bible Studies and on Thursdays for Sunday School on Facebook Live. We are grateful for Pastor Delaney’s spiritual guidance during this unprecedented time.

I also participate in the Male Chorus. The fellowship and membership have been spiritually enlightening, rewarding and enjoyable.


Rodney and Margaret Jones

Gospel Teaching Despite the Pandemic

Through the years, I have visited St. John Church with my aunt, the late Ora Mae Deberry, and my sister, Willie Mae Wade. I have always enjoyed the service and fellowship under Rev. McGhee and Pastor Delaney.

Since the pandemic began, I have been joining Pastor Delaney on Tuesdays for Bible Studies and Thursdays for Sunday School on Facebook Live. He teaches in such an explanatory manner that a novice can understand, and I greatly appreciate that. At the end of each session, he extends the invitation to all who do not know JESUS in the pardon of their sins, and he explains the ways of salvation in an easy-to-understand manner.

I congratulate the St. John Missionary Baptist Church on their 97th Church Anniversary and Homecoming Celebration.

Yours in CHRIST,

Sis. Sarah Caple.

St. John Missionary Baptist Church Homecoming and 97th Church Anniversary

Being raised in a home with a strong faith foundation, worshipping and praising God were embedded in me. I joined the body of Christ at an early age, 12 years old at New Hope Missionary Baptist Church in Oxford, Mississippi.

I joined St. John Missionary Baptist Church on August 23, 1992, under the leadership of Rev. Dr. James E. Delaney. Teaching and preaching the Word of God and praising God was and still is of utmost importance at the St. John M. B. Church.

So, let God’s Word fill your memory, rule your heart, and guide your life.

Favorite Bible Verse:

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (St. John 3:16)

Favorite Adage:

God is good all the time, and all the time, God is good!

-Angelina Fox

I will Bless the LORD!

“I joined St. John Missionary Baptist Church in April 1977, under the leadership of Pastor McGhee. I have since matured in the Word of God and committed my life to our Lord and Savior.

Under the leadership of Dr. James Delaney, I serve in various ministries and do whatever I can for the cause of Christ.

I live by the words of the psalmist: “I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth.” (Psalm 34:1)

-Sis. Willie M. Wade

The Way Maker

“But my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” 
                                                                                                                   -Phillipians 4:19 (KJV)

“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways, acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.”
                                                                                                                   -Proverbs 3:5-6 (KJV)

“One of my favorite songs to sing is “I Know the Lord will Make a Way.” Why? Because throughout my life, God has shown me over and over again that He is a Way Maker and that He always has my back.

“Sometimes, I look back during my younger years when I didn’t even have sense enough to know that God was working and watching over me. I now see how He protected me from harm and kept me safe. Many people often use the expression, ‘I was down to my last dime.’ Well, I can actually remember being down to my last penny… but God, the Way Maker!

“God specializes in things we think are impossible. Sometimes, when we think a situation is hopeless, God is already working it out and making a way! I am reminded of instances in the Bible when God showed up and made a way in what we certainly would have thought to be hopeless situations — parting the Red Sea for the Israelites, protecting Daniel in the lion’s den, and even delivering Paul and Silas from prison.

“Every day, God continues to let me know that He is still in control and that not only will He make a way, but that most assuredly, HE IS THE WAY!

“Thank You, LORD, for being my Way Maker!”

-Sis. Joyce Walton

To GOD be the Glory

“As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.”
                                                                                                                                         -Galatians 6:10 (KJV)

“I joined St. John in 1969, when the Church was located on Deadrick Avenue, but I was in and out, until I finally strayed away for a substantial amount of time.

“In 1991, at the urging of family, friends and members, I decided to return and experience some of the choir and other church programs — thinking it couldn’t possibly take up too much of my time. Little did I know about the power of prayer, persistence, and encouragement of St. John members at the time.

“Brothers Joe Thomas and Fred Draper saw something in me that I didn’t even know that I had. After developing a good Christian relationship with them, they convinced me to start driving the Church bus. Of course, I made excuses like the best of them, giving reasons why I could not go to church every Sunday, but eventually, I accepted. (I didn’t know it at the time, but this was soon to be one of the biggest blessings in my life!)

“The more I drove, the more committed I became to the riders, situations in their lives and just doing more meaningful things in the Church. To God be the glory, I must say!

“Thirty years later, I am still driving, and I am still being blessed. Through fellowship with the bus riders, I have learned so much patience, humility, how to lend a helping hand and how to have compassion for others. This is what happens when you allow God to be the center of your life.

“To God be the glory for all He has done!”

-Bro. Larry Walton

Fellowship with GOD

“As a member of St. John Missionary Baptist Church for over 50 years, I feel that our friendship with one another has come from our fellowship with God.

“Our fellowship with one another says a lot about our fellowship with God. It would be very difficult to have fellowship with one another without having fellowship with God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.”

“So, ‘How can we say we love God, Whom we have not seen and love not our brothers and sisters whom we see every day.'” (1 John 4:20-21)

-Deacon Jerry Mims

The LORD is My Shepherd

“I joined St. John Missionary Baptist Church in the early 1960s. I was baptized by Rev. L. D. McGhee.

“As a youth, I participated in youth activities. I really enjoyed playing biblical characters in Easter plays conducted by Sis. Laura Thomas. I also enjoyed the preaching, shouting and singing. I had fun and loved my Church family!

“Today, I am still an active member in church, but I know my faith and only what I do for the Lord is my reward.

“My Grandmother taught me the 23 Psalm when I was very young. It is my favorite because “The Lord is my Shepherd, and I shall not want.”

-Sis. Beatrice “Peggy” Arnold

Someone Took an Interest in Us

“My husband, Bro. Robert Borrum, joined St. John on Deadrick Avenue over 50 years ago, under the leadership of Rev. L. D. McGhee. Later, the Church moved to Pendleton Street.

“Being a young married couple with two small children, we decided that, as a family, we all needed to be IN CHURCH. We attended Sunday School and Morning Worship Services, but someone (Sis. Clara Gaines) ‘took an interest in us’ and invited us to 8 a.m. Bible Study.

“We are now under the leadership of Dr. James Delaney at the Pendleton Street location and still learning. It has been and continues to be a wonderful spiritual journey!

“Thanks be to GOD that someone took an interest in us.”

-Bro. Robert and Sis. Martha Borrum