The Christian Education Ministry is responsible for the organization and administration of the entire educational program of the Church, developing and interpreting to the Church its educational objectives or goals; for studying the educational needs of the Church and for making decisions concerning time schedules.
Ministry members include representatives from the Mother Board, Youth Department, Usher Boards (No. 1 and No. 2), Choir, Male Chorus, Deacon Board, and Missionary Ministry, along with the Interim Director.
Activities hosted by the Christian Education Ministry are Vacation Bible School, Children’s Church, and other youth activities.
The Mission of the Christian Education Ministry is the same as for the full St. John body:
Seeking Sinners. Teaching the Saved. Nurturing the Saints.
The Vision of the Christian Education Ministry is also the same as for the whole St. John body:
To create an atmosphere where sinners are saved, where the saved are educated and where caring is commonplace.
For more information or to support the Board of Christian Education, call 901-745-5287 or email [email protected].