
Congratulations on another year to all St. John members born during the month of February.

May GOD bless and keep you!

February 1
Charity Jeffers

February 2
Gale Baker
Jacques Causey

February 4
Fannie Tolliver

February 5
Crystal Wilson

February 6
Angelina Fox

February 7
Karice Morrow

February 8
Lillie Thompson

February 14
Grace Harris
Wanda Leaks-Davis
Shirley Myers

February 15
Darryl Crawford III
Mary Hardy

February 16
Jerry Mims

February 18
Lena Townsend

February 21
Barbara Wadlington

February 22
Honesteen Buggs 
Doris Douglas

February 24
Dakota Roberts

February 27
Barbara Robinson

February 28
Dorothy Pryor